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Portrait at Home
Portrait of a Young Girl with Denim Shirt

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What's inside?

This is not another PMS or Channel manager.
Keep track of your earnings and expenses through analytics dashboard, calculate and report rental taxes, get access to liquidity and much more.


Nidô success story:

Check how Marta manages a luxury villa in Mallorca using Nidô

"Hospitality experience was my advantage but I had a real struggle with numbers. Nidô literally saved me. I can focus on my guests instead of spending nights doing maths"

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Marta Nieto
owner of Villa Bella Roca, Mallorca

Full access to our Cashback and Perks for Early Birds

+50 partner offers for your rental business


Additional bonus:
25 € Airbnb digital gift card for first 100 users

We just launched our platform and we'd love to express our gratitude with this small gift. Enjoy vacation rental, as a guest this time

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Please let us know where to send free early access invitation and a gift card

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Notice: Nidô is a financial technology company not a bank. All the financial services are being offered by third party providers

Nido Finance SL

08024, Barcelona, Spain, C. de Pallars, 108


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